Pot size:90/110/140
Uses:Foliage pot pLant and landscaping
Temp: 20~30℃,Cold Sensitive
Soil: good aeration and water holding capacity; pH 5.0-6.0,EC<1
Water : Keep moist between watering & Water when soil is half dry, PH5.5-6.5,EC<0.3, RH 75%~85%
Major Pests:Mites, , Mealybugs, Scale
Diseases:Leaf Spot, Leaf Blight
Light:During winter it can be exposed under full sun accordingly.
within 15 days
6000-7000 lux
within one month
7000-8000 lux
The 3nd-4th month
9000-10000 lux
Calathea Freddie is a hardy plant wellsuited for the home or office. The compact, wellbranched plant, is ideal for displaying on a table or plant stand.
Attractive leaf markings and overall plant color is maintained even at lower light levels. Fragrant clusters of tiny white flowers open March through May.